Fire Sprinkler Repair
When it comes to your business or commercial space in Maryland, Virginia, and the DC area, fire protection is of the utmost importance. Fire sprinkler systems are one of the most effective ways to protect your building from the devastating effects of an uncontrolled fire. These protective fire systems respond to a fire in seconds to quickly stop it before it can cause irreparable damage.
Routine fire sprinkler system maintenance and proactively addressing any repair needs are just as important as the protective fire sprinkler system itself. If your fire sprinkler system needs maintenance or is in disrepair, this safeguard won’t be able to perform its most basic functions in the event of a fire.
That’s where we come in! Guardian Fire Protection professionals are here to help you with the most reliable end-to-end fire protection services and fire sprinkler repair 24 hours a day throughout the Maryland, Virginia, and DC areas.
Understanding Your Fire Sprinkler System
Your protective fire sprinkler system works by way of pressurized water and a series of pipes that are usually hidden behind walls or in ceilings. These pipes are connected to visible sprinkler heads that are strategically placed at regular intervals throughout your space.
Activated by a rise in air temperature, the sprinkler head’s sensors will detect the rising heat and activate your fire protection system.
The pressurized water is forced through the sprinkler head to protect the area beneath it and ultimately douse the flames to minimize damage to your building and its contents within seconds of fire detection.
It’s important to note that sprinkler systems only respond to the rapid rise in heat from direct flames, not smoke. This is why a multi-faceted fire protection system is the best way to safeguard your Maryland, Virginia, or DC businesses and commercial spaces.
Signs You Need Fire Sprinkler System Repair
Fire systems are incredibly reliable, but as with all mechanical things, they need routine maintenance and occasional repairs. While not all issues can be spotted immediately, there are many things you can look for to determine if you may need to call for fire sprinkler repairs.
Some of the most common signs of fire sprinkler issues include:
- Broken or loose sprinkler head: Damaged fire sprinkler heads are a common issue and happen more often than you think. From ladders and forklifts to indoor vehicles, it’s easy to see how these unassuming fixtures can be damaged. Sprinkler heads may also become loose over time due to the pressurized water.
- Visible leaks or standing water: Many issues could cause a leak, such as faulty plumbing, a broken seal in the fire protection system, or a problematic roofing issue. Whether there are watermarks on your walls and ceilings, or standing water around or under the fire sprinkler system components, it’s important to schedule professional fire sprinkler repairs ASAP to prevent irreparable damages.
- False alarms: Frequent false alarms may indicate that you need fire sprinkler repairs. These can be caused by various issues ranging from trapped air in pressurized pipes to mechanical failures. It’s important to contact a fire protection system professional to remedy the issues quickly to ensure a properly working system.
Contact Guardian Fire Protection or call 301-861-0972 today for all fire sprinkler system repairs in Baltimore, MD, and surrounding areas.
Fire Sprinkler Repair FAQs
Do fire sprinklers go off by accident?
It’s extremely uncommon for a fire sprinkler system to go off without reason. To set off a fire sprinkler, a heat source is required (like an out-of-control fire) to displace the sprinkler head’s fusible link or glass trigger.
How does a fire sprinkler system work?
Fire sprinkler heads have a fusible link that melts from the heat given off by a fire. When this melts away, it opens up the sprinkler, which sprays evenly to extinguish the flames.
What buildings require fire sprinklers?
To check if your building requires fire sprinklers, you’ll need to consult an experienced fire protection contractor. They’ll be familiar with the fire codes in your area to determine if fire sprinkler system installation is necessary.
Buildings that typically require fire sprinklers include hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings.